Kevin graduated from Writtle College, a leading educational institution specialising in ‘land-based’ professions, in 1988. He then gained extensive practical experience working for a number of landscaping companies and consequently was contracted to build award-winning gardens at both the Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Shows. On one of these occasions he was asked to build a garden designed by Andrea Parsons. He and Andrea realised that he could offer a complementary construction service to Andrea’s established design business and in 1995 The Parson’s Garden Construction was formed. In the intervening years he and his team of landscapers have realised Andrea’s designs – constructing gardens large and small, from urban courtyards to country estates.
Now, in 2018, Andrea has decided to reduce the number of gardens she designs so that she can explore other areas of creativity. This has given Kevin the opportunity to offer his team’s construction services to a new range of designers and clients. To signpost this change The Parson’s Garden Construction has been renamed Look Garden Build.
Experience counts...
In the past 30 years we have built a wide range of gardens, amassing along the way a wealth of experience and in-depth knowledge. Each and every garden presents its own challenges. We enjoy finding solutions to them all, be they large or small, grand or modest.
We have a core team of landscapers but we are not just dependant on own resources. We have built up a network of specialist consultants and high quality manufacturers to help us fulfill any requirement.